And now for something even less informative!
9:33 p.m. My brain is mush. Mushy mush. Like you cooked the
oatmeal then stepped on it in a big vat like grapes except that it’s not grapes
it’s oatmeal and so it probably doesn’t actually make it more mushy but it sure
does make your toes feel mushy. Like that.
In other news, today
was fabulous. I met a bunch of wonderful people, got some good advice and some
incredible encouragement, got a whole slew of books signed by some of the
aforesaid wonderful people, and ate some cheesecake. I will hopefully share
more in the future, but for now I feel I should probably just end by mentioning
something about mush
Oh yay!!!! I'm so happy I could cry!! I'm SO glad to hear you are getting amazing things from your trip: friends, encouragement, advice. I want to hear MORE!!!